PRITHVI MUDRA. Helps skinny and weak person to grow strong.
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This ‘Mudra’ increases the earth element in the body. The earth element is the vital component of bodily tissues like bones, cartilage, skin, hair, nails, flesh, muscles, tendons, internal organs etc. by doing this Mudra weakness of body is eliminated and skin of face becomes clean and shiny.
Very beneficial for people to overcome weakness after  long illness. As it brings back stamina in the weak body. It enhances energy and vitality in human body.
It also helps to strengthen the limbs in paralysis. It also benefits to people with hair loss and premature greying of hair. This Mudra also helps those suffering from ulcer.

a)     Helps to increase weight of weak and skinny people.
b)    Improves the complexion of skin.
c)     Makes skin glow from within.
d)    It makes body healthy and active.
e)     This ‘Mudra’ strengthens your bones and muscles
f)      Improves vitamin A,B,C,D,E,K deficiency in body
g)     Regular practice of PRITHVI ‘Mudra’ makes your body and mind more stable and concentrated.
h)    Helps to expedite the union of bones in case of facture.
i)       Cuts and wounds are cured.
j)       Burning sensation in hands, feet, eyes, stomach, urine, anus, is cured.
k)    It increases immunity of body to fight various disease.

How to do it? :- (see fig 1.2)
Sit in any comfortable position like PadmasanaSidhaasanaSwastikasanaVajrasana  or Sahaj Padmasan. You can sit on chair as well.
Put your hands on the thigh or knee comfortably, palm facing upward. Close your eyes and take deep breath slowly till you have a rhythmic breathing do not decrease or increase breathing speed be comfortable.
Touch the tip of ring finger and thumb keeping all other three fingers straight. 
            In other words, ‘PRITHVI’ and ‘AGNI’ comes together. (EARTH and FIRE comes together)


Figure 1.2
(for energy and vitality in human body)

Duration :-
It can be done for 5 to 10 min in 3 to 5 times a day while traveling as well. But it should be done for 3 months for better benefits.
Side effect and precautions:-  
Side effects:-
All  ‘Mudra’’s are purely beneficial without any side effects. This can be performed sitting standing or lying pose.
Precautions :-
Just keep in mind no pressure to be applied on the fingers. As only restless and unstable mind applies pressure. Just touch the tip no pressure to be applied.
