GYAAN MUDRA. For memory and concentration

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                  1. ‘GYAAN MUDRA’

 It gives rise to root chakra, reducing tension and depression. This pose is quiet calming and spiritually awakening. It stimulates air element in the body. It leads to increase in memory power, energies nervous system and pushes pituitary gland production.
For deep meditation, relax and close your eyes softly and concentrate on your breath. Inhale and exhale deeply to seep air into the deepest tissue of your body to attain a sense of lightness in your ‘chitta’ (consciousness). Clear all thought in your mind and listen to the vibes of your body. Do not avoid what your soul tries to express you rather face it and harmonies it in yourself.

Sharpens the brain ,Increasing memory and concentration
Prevents anger and insomnia (Loss of sleep).
Gives soothing and calming effect to mind
Helps to overcome depression and anxiety
Very effective in case of stress
Best for meditation
How to do this :- (see fig 1.1)
Sit in any comfortable position like Padmasana, Sidhaasana, Swastikasana, Vajrasana  or Sahaj Padmasan.
Put your hands on the thigh or knee comfortably, palm facing upward. Close your eyes and take deep breath slowly till you have a rhythmic breathing, do not decrease or increase breathing speed, be comfortable.
Touch the tip of Index finger and thumb keeping all other three fingers straight
In other words ‘VAYU’ and ‘AGNI’ comes together. (AIR and FIRE comes together.)
You can chant any mantra or just “OM”

Image no 1.1
(For calming mind and meditation)

Duration :-
For students 5 to 10 minutes in day any time before studying and 10 to 20  minutes  at night before you go to bed. (20 minutes is best)
For others 5 to 10 minutes twice  a day and 10 min before going to bed. There is no maximum limit for doing this ‘Mudra’.  (30 minutes is best)
Side effect :-
All  ‘Mudra’ are purely beneficial without any side effects.
Just keep in mind no pressure to be applied on the fingers. As only restless and unstable mind applies pressure. Just touch the tip of finger and thumb.


  1. Very nice info. Please give details of mudra for blood pressure


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