All About Apaan Mudra.


Apaan means downward moving force. Apaan Mudra is a very important Mudra for the human body and mind. As it detoxifies the entire body. We all know toxic is harmful for our body, whenever we eat food some part of it remains undigested and this causes toxic formation. It is very important to detoxify the body and apaan ‘Mudra’ helps to do this. this Mudra detox the body by stimulating the excretion system to flush out the toxins of the body.
As the acquisition and immersion both are necessities of the body the body does its refinement through immersion. When immersion system is not working properly than there is health issues in body. The defects of PRANA, APAAN, SAMAAN, UDAAN and VYAAN can be refined with apaan Mudra.
Best for stomach and heart disease.

Benefits :-
a)     This Mudra balances the three dosha (Vata, Kapha, and Pitta) in the body. It increases the Vatta and Kapha Dosha and decreases the Pitta in the body.
b)    It regulates diabities if you practice it daily for 6 months.
c)     It cures constipation and piles.
d)    It cures kidney defects, urinary defects  and dental problems
e)     It helps excretion of normal waste regularly
f)       It removes toxic waste from your eyes, urine etc
g)     This Mudra removes body temperature by sweating.
h)    This Mudra helps to improve the flow of perspiration, urine, and stool.
i)       This Mudra soothes toothache
j)       Regular practice of this Mudra helps in destroying breathing related disease.

How to do it ? (see fig 1.9)
Sit in any comfortable position like Padmasana, Sidhaasana, Swastikasana, Vajrasana  or Sahaj Padmasan. Put your hands on the thigh comfortably , palm  facing upward
Close your eyes and take deep breath, slowly exhale till you get slow rhythmic breathing, do not decrease or increase breathing speed be calm and comfortable while you breath.
Place  the tip of middle finger & ring finger to the tip of thumb  keeping all other finger straight upright .
In other words ‘AGNI’ comes in contact with AKASH and PRITHVI.

Figure 1.9
(Best for stomach and heart disease)

Duration :-
You can do this  for 45 min at a stretch or for 15 min three times a day.
In start practice for 5 min per session.
Side effects :-
All  ‘Mudra’’s are purely beneficial without any side effects.
Precautions :-
Just keep in mind no pressure to be applied on the fingers. As only restless and unstable mind applies pressure. Just touch the tip no pressure to be applied. This can be performed sitting standing or lying  pose.
More urine can come from this pose, so no need to be afraid of it. Don’t perform it  for more than specified time.
You can practice this Mudra while standing in tadasana (mountain pose) also.
