PRANA MUDRA. For Immunity and Vitality.

Click the link to know about prana mudra


‘Prana Mudra’ symbolize energy of cell or life force in cell that is ‘Prana shakti’ . it keeps you alive . by performing  ‘Prana Mudra’ life force and vitality increases.
This is an immune boosting practice designed to keep the mind and body free of disease. It  also gives glowing complexion to the skin because it radiates blood purifying properties. Symbolizes energy or spirit of life. It provides energy and health. It reduces hunger pangs during fasting and gives you good night sleep. It stimulates entire human body & 56 trillion cells.

a)     It improves immunity making your body resistance to disease
b)    Improves power of eyesight, Reduces eye related disease
c)     It removes fatigue, anger, restlessness.
d)    It makes person bold with inner stability and clarity of thoughts.
e)     Deficiency of vitamin A,B,C,D,E and K is fulfilled by practicing this Mudra.
f)      This Mudra is panacea in heart disease.
g)     Best for diabetes patients when performed with apana Mudra 15 min each.

How to do it ? (see fig 1.8)
Sit in any comfortable position like PadmasanaSidhaasanaSwastikasanaVajrasana  or Sahaj Padmasan. Put your hands on the thigh comfortably , palm  facing upward
Close your eyes and take deep breath, slowly exhale till you get slow rhythmic breathing, do not decrease or increase breathing speed be calm and comfortable while you breath.
Place the tip of thumb to the tip of little finger and ring finger,  keeping the other two finger straight.
In other word ‘AGNI’ comes in contact with JAL and PRITHVI.

Figure 1.8
(Very important for immunity)

Duration :-
You can do this  for 45 min at a stretch or for 15 min three times a day.
Side effects :-
All  ‘Mudra’’s are purely beneficial without any side effects.
Precautions :-
Just keep in mind no pressure to be applied on the fingers. As only restless and unstable mind applies pressure. Just touch the tip no pressure to be applied. This can be performed sitting standing or lying  pose.
